We have a significant track record of working in partnership with stakeholders and researchers from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds.
The group is committed to working with the local, regional and national government, third-sector organisations, NGOs, and older people, to promote age-friendly urban environments.
Age-Friendly Manchester
Find out more about the work on Age-Friendly Manchester, including the City's ageing strategies and future work plans.
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Age-Friendly Whalley Range
The Whalley Range Community Forum provides a range of inclusive resident and volunteer-led projects for the richly diverse community, hosting classes, meetings, festivals and age-friendly events.
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AGE Platform Europe
A European network of non-profit organisations of and for people aged 50+, whose work focuses on a wide range of policy areas that impact on older and retired people.
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Akita University
Collaboration with the Advanced Research Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (ARGG), Akita University Japan, working with Chief Director Prof. Hidetaka Ota.
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Ambition for Ageing
A £10.2 million programme aimed at creating more age-friendly places in the Greater Manchester city region and empowering people to live fulfilling lives as they age.
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Belgian Ageing Studies research group
The project seeks to monitor local challenges and opportunities, and issues of quality of life, among home-dwelling older people, to provide tools for evidenced-based ageing policies.
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Black Minority Ethnic Network
The Network strives to support BME groups and organisations of all sizes to become more effective and successful and play their full part in contributing to communities in Manchester.
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Centre for Ageing Better
Funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, the charity creates change in policy and practice, informed by evidence, to improve employment, housing, health and communities across England.
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Centre for an age-friendly Norway
The centre for an age-friendly Norway is part of the government's quality reform for the elderly, to create an age-friendly society.
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Community Savers
Community Savers are a network of women-led savings schemes linking up residents across Greater Manchester and Sheffield to share ideas, experiences and strategies for reducing poverty in our neighbourhoods, towns and cities.
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Creative Manchester
Creative Manchester offers academics, researchers and creatives the chance to partner and become involved in Manchester’s arts and culture, as well as across the Northwest and beyond.
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Ethnic Health Forum
Addressing health and social care inequalities to improve the health and wellbeing of BAME communities in the City of Manchester.
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Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation
Working with and through the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector for the benefit of the people and communities of Greater Manchester.
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Greater Manchester Ageing Hub
Set up by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and partners, to respond to the opportunities and challenges of an ageing population, focusing on reducing inequalities and ageing well.
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Kashmire Youth Project
An independent charity dedicated to the development and economic regeneration of the communities of Rochdale.
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Levenshulme Inspire Community Hub
Bringing together people from many backgrounds to transform the Levenshulme area through community activity, creativity, enterprise and fun.
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LGBT Foundation
A charity firmly rooted in the local communities of Greater Manchester that provide a wide range of evidence-based and cost-effective services.
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L'Université de Sherbrooke
Collaboration with Research Centre on Aging (CdRV), working with Prof. Suzanne Garon and Ass. Prof. Samuele Rémillard-Boilard, at University of Sherbrooke, Canada. Additional collaboration with the Centre for Research on Ageing (CERA), working with Prof. Lucie Vidovicová at Masaryk University in Czech Republic.
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Matia Gerontological Institute
Collaborating in the definition of new models of prevention, care and health, as well as in providing support during the changes associated with ageing.
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Society and Ageing Research Lab
SARLab from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) specializes in research on “ageing well in the right place”. The lab focuses on three main research areas: ‘social relations and civic engagement', ‘care and caring communities’, and ‘housing and living environment’. The three research lines are underpinned by 4 core values: the significance of the neighbourhood, a life course perspective, focus on exclusion, deprivation and inequality, and the utilization of participatory research frameworks.
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The Hague University, Research Group Urban Ageing
Focusing on how we can contribute to the quality of daily living of older adults in the city.
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World Health Organisation (WHO)
The WHO Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities was established to foster the exchange of experience and mutual learning between cities and communities worldwide.
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