Listen to our 'Conversations on urban ageing' series of podcasts.
Recorded on 15 November 2023
In this episode, Liesbeth de Donder from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Mo Ray from the University of Lincoln discuss interdisciplinary co-creation and new ways of working with co-production in research. Hosted by Patty Doran from the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group.
Recorded on 19 October 2021
In this episode, Sophie Yarker from the University of Manchester talks about her book, Creating Spaces for an Ageing Society with Paul McGarry from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Hosted by Patty Doran from the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group.
Recorded on 23 November 2021
In this episode, Sheila Peace from the Open University and Jarmin Yeh from University of California, San Francisco discuss the meaning of place to older people and the need to promote spatial justice in urban, ageing neighbourhoods. Hosted by Sophie Yarker from the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group.
Recorded on 15 February 2022
In this episode, Wilbert Den Hoed from Universitat Rovira i Virgili and Carol Kachadoorian from dblTilde Collaboration discuss urban mobility, transportation planning and policy development within age-friendly cities. Hosted by Sophie Yarker, from the Manchester Urban Ageing Research group.
Recorded on 5 April 2022
In partnership with the Manchester School of Architecture, this episode sees Professor Rose Gilroy from the University of Newcastle discussing Urban Ageing and Alternative Housing Futures. Chaired by Mark Hammond from the Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group.
Recorded on 7 February 2023
In collaboration with the Morgan Centre, Helen Holmes presents a seminar on ageing and inclusivity in Manchester’s rave scene. In particular, Holmes explores how the landscape of rave has changed, becoming more accommodating for the older clubber’s body and lifestyle. This conversation is chaired by MUARG's James Fletcher.
Recorded on 14 June 2023