The Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group (MUARG) brings together scholars from different disciplines to identify new ways of responding to the challenges associated with population ageing in urban environments.
Understanding the relationship between population ageing and urban change has become a major issue for public policy and an increasingly important area for interdisciplinary research.
An emerging theme is ‘age-friendly cities and communities’. This approach, initiated by the World Health Organization, reflects the need to develop supportive urban communities for older people.
Our research supports the promotion of age-friendly urban environments at global, EU, national, regional and local level.
Ensuring that the 'new urban age' produces age-friendly communities is an urgent priority for research and policy.
Paul McGarry / Assistant Director, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
We have a particular focus on understanding issues relating to social exclusion and pressures facing older people in areas subject to economic decline.
MUARG members have been involved in a range of projects over the past two decades, developing innovative research on the lives of older people living in areas of multiple deprivations.
Much of this research has been conducted in partnership with older people who live in low-income neighbourhoods across Greater Manchester (and other regions in Europe), and with local authorities, voluntary organisations, and community groups.
Our work contributes to creating more inclusive and just cities that are socially and environmentally sustainable for current and future generations.
Dr Tine Buffel / Director, Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group
- ageing in cities;
- inequalities in later life;
- social exclusion and poverty;
- ageing in place and social infrastructure;
- gentrification, regeneration, and urban change;
- ethnic minority ageing;
- housing design;
- action and participatory research, co-production approaches;
- developing age-friendly cities;
- challenges facing older people in the context of COVID-19.