Previous projects
We have undertaken extensive research in the lives of older people in urban environments.
View individual projects to find more information.
Wellbeing of older people in China and UK
Examining the socio-cultural participation and wellbeing of older people in China and the UK.
Urbanisation and ageing in the Global South
Researching the impacts of urbanisation on an ageing population in the Global South.
Urban ageing and social exclusion
Researching social exclusion and problems facing older people living in urban settings.
Manchester age-friendly neighbourhoods
Working with residents regarding how age-friendly their neighbourhood is and how to make it better.
Coping with loneliness in later life
Studying how marginalisation influence experiences and coping with loneliness in later life.
Eating experiences in later life
Researching the meal provisioning practices of older people.
Growing older in Collyhurst
Focusing on the Victoria North urban regeneration project in Collyhurst, North Manchester.
Ambition for Ageing
A £10 million programme to develop Greater Manchester age-friendly communities.
The Northern Gateway Urban Regeneration project
The Northern Gateway project represents a major contribution to the city’s strategy for residential growth.
Developing the 'village' model in Manchester
Research with a particular focus on supporting people to age well within their communities.
The experience of 'ageing in place' over time
Exploring how older people’s relationships to place change over time.
More-than older age: Making sense of place
Find out more about researcher Amy Barron's work.
Older people's experience of Manchester's Gay Village
Seeking personal stories to evoke an image of Manchester's Gay Village.
Developing age-friendly cities
Exploring how age-friendly developments are perceived by policymakers, practitioners, and older people.
Green infrastructure and wellbeing in later life
Researching how green infrastructure and green public space can influence health and wellbeing.
A cross-national study of age-friendly cities
Communities share their local experience in developing age-friendly physical and social environments.
Lack of suitable homes sees older people staying put until a crisis forces them to move.
Care provision fit for a future climate
How far are care homes and other care provision facilities fit for a future climate?