Take a look at our published books, journal articles, chapters, reports, blogs and media contributions.
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- McGarry, P., Yarker, S., Doran, P., Buffel, T. (2024) ‘Advancing age-friendly cities and communities: The crucial role of leadership’.
- Lang, L., Yarker, S., Bergen, J., Doran, P., Phillipson, C., Buffel, T. (2024) ‘Developing age-friendly communities to support healthy ageing: The role of faith spaces as social infrastructure’.
- Lewis, C. Yarker S. Phillipson, P. Chaudry, A. Forde, D. Madzunzu, T. McInroy, F. Wilkinson, S. (2023). The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on older ethnic minority people living in Greater Manchester.
- Hartland, T., & Pollock, L. (2023). Echoes of displacement: A collective story of growing older and seeking sanctuary in Manchester. Available at:
- Barron, A., (2022) Beyond older age: Approaches to understand the diverse lives of older people Produced in partnership with the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub, the Creative Ageing Development Agency, the Greater Manchester Older People’s Network and Ambition for Ageing.
- Lang, L., Lewis, C., Yarker, S., Hammond, M., and Phillipson, C. (2022) Growing older in Collyhurst: How can social infrastructure be used to support an age-friendly Victoria North? Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing.
- Lang, L., (2022) Supporting ageing in place: A process evaluation of the ambition for ageing microfunding programme.
- Let's get botanical together (2021), co-produced by Pride in Ageing, the LGBT Foundation, Manchester Art Gallery and the University of Manchester. This zine is a collaboration between members of the collective involved in the Derek Jarman Pocket Park project.
- Hammond, M., and Sunaders, M. (2021) A Design for Life.
- Phillipson, C., Lang, L., Yarker, S., Lewis, C., Doran, P., Goff, M. and Buffel, T. (2021) COVID-19 and Social Exclusion: Experiences of older people living in areas of multiple deprivation: Findings and recommendations in brief, Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing.
- Phillipson, C., Lang, L., Yarker, S., Lewis, C., Doran, P., Goff, M. and Buffel, T. (2021) COVID-19 and social exclusion: experiences of older people living in areas of multiple deprivation, Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing.
- Kapadia, D. (2021). Collaboratives on addressing racial inequity in Covid recovery: Older people briefing paper.
- Mhorag, G., Doran, P., Phillipson, C. and D’Andreta, D. (2020) Community interventions to promote ‘ageing in place’: Developing the ‘village’ model in Manchester, Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing.
- Lewis, C., Hammond, M., Kavanagh, N., Phillipson, C., Yarker, S. (2020) Developing age-friendly communities in the Northern Gateway urban regeneration project, Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing.
- Bagnall, K. (2020) Alternatives to cash during Covid-19 GMCVO. Ambition for Ageing.
- Yarker, S. (2020) Use of information and communication technologies to support social connections for older people. GMCVO and Ambition for Ageing.
- Yarker, S., Thorley, J., Bagnall, K., and North, L (2020) Changing a place: Microfunding, co-production and community development. GMCVO and Ambition for Ageing.
- Yarker, S. (2019) Social infrastructure: How shared spaces make communities work. GMCVO and Ambition for Ageing.
- Lewis, C. and Cotterell, N. (2018). Social isolation and older Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in Greater Manchester. GMCVO and Ambition for Ageing Programme.
- Bagnall, K. (2018) Resilience in an Ageing Greater Manchester. GMCVO and Ambition for Ageing Programme.
- Hammond, M., Walsh, R. and White, S., (2018) 'RIGHTSIZING: Reframing the housing offer for older people', Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)/PHASE at Manchester School of Architecture.
- Hammond, M., White, S., Crompton, E., Youngson, M., Wells, J. and Wong, K., (2017) 'Manchester age-friendly neighbourhoods: State of the project', Manchester Metropolitan University.
- Doran, P. and Buffel, T. (2017) Translating research into action: involving older people in co-producing knowledge about age-friendly neighbourhood interventions, Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing.
- Gupta, R., Walker, G., Lewis, A., Barnfield, L., Gregg, M. and Neven, L. (2016) Care provision fit for a future climate. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Buffel, T., Rémillard-Boilard, S. and Phillipson, C. (2015) Social isolation among older people in urban areas. A review of the literature for the Ambition for Ageing programme in Greater Manchester. Manchester: Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing.
- White, S. and Hammond, M., 2015. 'The life of the city - Manchester City Centre, An age friendly neighbourhood?', Manchester City Council.
- Lewis (2015) Maximising the benefits of Passivhaus: A Guide to supporting older occupants. The University of Manchester.
- Lewis (2015) Daylighting in older people’s housing. Thomas Pocklinton Trust, The University of Manchester.
- Barron, A. (2015) Seating and sense of place. Manchester City Council.
- Handler, S., (2014). 'A research and evaluation framework for age-friendly cities', UK Urban Ageing Consortium.
- White, S., Phillipson, C., Hammond, M., (2012) 'Old Moat in an age-friendly Manchester'. Manchester: Southway Housing.
- Zhang, J., Nazroo, J., & Zhang, N. (2023). Do migration outcomes relate to gender? Lessons from a study of internal migration, marriage and later-life health in China. Population, Space and Place, e59.
- Vannier, M., & Nellis, A. (2023). ‘Time’s relentless melt’: The severity of life imprisonment through the prism of old age. Punishment & Society, 0(0).
- Fletcher, J.R. (2023). Publishing the biotechnical futures of Alzheimer’s disease. AJOB Neuroscience 14(2) 124–126
- Fletcher, J.R. (2023) Regulating the disenfranchised: reciprocity & resistance under the Mental Capacity Act. Journal of Aging Studies doi:10.1016/j.jaging.2022.101099
- Vannier, M. and Nellis, A. (2023) 'Time’s relentless melt’: The severity of life imprisonment through the prism of old age, Punishment & Society. doi: 10.1177/14624745231154880
- Fahey, M., Tinker, A., & Fletcher, J. R. (2023). Dementia’s preventative futures: researcher perspectives on prospective developments in the UK. Working with Older People.
- Fletcher, J. R., Deng, M., & Dobson, D. (2023). The art of friendliness: Organiser perspectives on curating dementia friendly cultural events. Dementia 0(0). doi:10.1177/14713012231158429
- Yarker, S., Doran, P., & Buffel, T. (2023). Theorizing ‘place’ in aging in place: The need for territorial and relational perspectives. The Gerontologist, gnad002.
- Collins, N. & Fletcher, J.R. (2023). Bridging the gap between clinical and critical sociological perspectives in dementia. BJPsych Advances doi:10.1192/bja.2023.28
- Bagnall, K., and Yarker, S. (2022) Resilience in later life: the impact of social exclusion on access to networks of support. Working with Older People
- Lewis C, Phillipson, C, Lang, L. and Yarker, S. (2022) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lived experience of single men living alone. The Gerontologist.
- Zhang, J., Chandola, T., & Zhang, N. (2022). Understanding the longitudinal dynamics of rural–urban mental health disparities in later life in China. Aging & mental health, 1-10.
- Zhang, J., Nazroo, J., & Zhang, N. (2022). Gender differences in rural-urban migration and its impact on depression in later life. Health & Place, 77, 102890.
- Wilkinson, S., Lang, L. Yarker, S. (2022), "Dispersed communities in age-friendly work: an intersectional approach to place-based working", Working with Older People, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Greenfield, E. and Buffel, T. (2022) Age-friendly cities and communities: Research to strengthen Policy and Practice, Journal of Aging & Social Policy. doi: 10.1080/08959420.2022.2049573
- Yarker, S. and Buffel, T. (2022) Involving socially excluded groups in age-friendly programs: The role of a spatial lens and co-production approaches. Journal of Aging & Social Policy. doi: 10.1080/08959420.2022.2049571.
- James, H. and Buffel, T. (2022) Co-research with older people. A systematic literature review, Ageing & Society. 1-27.
- Deng, M 2022, The Temporality and Politics of Language Lost and Found: Cinema, Dementia and the Entangled Histories of Singapore. in The Politics of Dementia: Forgetting and Remembering the Violent Past in Literature, Film and Graphic Narratives. pp. 189-202.
- Deng, M 2022, Re-orientating Hesitantly: Approaching the Entangled Temporalities of Cinema, Dementia, and Hong Kong From a Decolonial Viewpoint. in K Sako & S Falcus (eds), Contemporary Narratives of Ageing, Illness, Care. pp. 104-123.
- Zhang, N. (2022). Ageing, well-being, inequality in later life in China. In British Society of Gerontology BSG 2022, 51st Annual Conference.
- Zhang, J., Chandola, T., & Zhang, N. (2022). Understanding the longitudinal dynamics of rural–urban mental health disparities in later life in China. Aging & mental health, 1-10.
- James, H., Nazroo, J., Chatzi, G., & Simpson, P. (2022). How Do Women and Men Negotiate Sex in Later Life Relationships? A Qualitative Analysis of Data from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging. The Journal of Sex Research, 1-13.
- Webber, R., May, V., & Lewis, C. (2022). Ageing in place over time: the making and unmaking of home. Sociological Research Online, 13607804221089351. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2022.2112934
- Cavaliere, G., & Fletcher, J. R. (2022). Age-discriminated IVF Access and Evidence-based Ageism: Is There a Better Way?. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 47(5), 986-1010.
- Fletcher, J. R. (2021). Age-associations in British politics: Implications for the sociology of aging. The British Journal of Sociology, 72(3), 609-626. DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12820
- Fletcher, J. R., Zubair, M., & Roche, M. (2022). The neuropsychiatric biopolitics of dementia and its ethnicity problem. The Sociological Review, 70(5), 1005-1024.
- Lewis, C., Yarker, S., Hammond, M., Kavanagh, N., & Phillipson, C. (2022). “Ageing in place” and urban regeneration: analysing the role of social infrastructure. Urban Planning, 7(4), 523-533.
- Bagnall, K., & Yarker, S. (2022). Resilience in later life: the impact of social exclusion on access to networks of support. Working with Older People, (ahead-of-print).
- Ahmed, N., Phillipson, C. and Buffel, T. (2021) Migration and transnational communities: constructions of home and neighbourhood in the lives of older migrants. In Repetti, M., Calasanti, T. and Phillipson, C. (eds) Ageing and migration in a global context: Challenges for welfare states. London: Springer.
- Doran, P.; Burden, S.; Shryane, N. (2021) Integration of Narratives Into Mixed Methods Research: An Example From a Study on the Value of Social Support to Older People With Cancer. Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
- Buffel, T. (2021) A manifesto for the age-friendly movement: Supporting citizen engagement and interdisciplinary collaboration to improve older people’s lives. In Hammond, M. and Saunders, N. (eds) A design for life. Urban practices for an age-friendly city. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University Press.
- Buffel, T.; Yarker, S.; Phillipson, C.; Lang, L.; Lewis, C.; Doran, P.; Goff, M. (2021) Locked down by inequality: Older people and the COVID-19 pandemic. Urban Studies, 1-18, Special issue: Urban Public Health Emergencies and The Covid-19 Pandemic.
- Lewis, C., Buffel, T., May, V. and Webber, R. (2021) Researching ageing in place over time: A guide to using secondary data analysis. Timescapes Archive Methods Guide Series 2021, Guide No.21. Available at
- Matthews, K. and Nazroo, J. (2021) ‘The impact of volunteering and its characteristics on wellbeing after retirement: evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing’, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 76, 3, 632-641, doi:10.1093/geronb/gbaa146
- Phillipson, C. and Grenier, A. (2021) Urbanization and Ageing: Ageism, Inequality, and the Future of “Age-Friendly” Cities. University of Toronto Quarterly, 90-2, 225-24.
- Phillipson, C.; Yarker, S.; Lang, L.; Doran, P.; Goff, M.; Buffel, T. (2021) COVID-19, Inequality and Older People: Developing Community-Centred Interventions. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 8064.
- Rémillard-Boilard, S., Buffel, T. and Phillipson, C. (2021) Developing age-friendly cities and communities: Eleven case studies from around the world. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 133.
- Stopforth, S., Kapadia, D., Nazroo, J. and Becares, L. (in press) ‘Ethnic inequalities in health in later life, 1993-2017: The persistence of health disadvantage over more than two decades’, Ageing and Society
- Van Hoof, J., Marston, H.R., Kazak, J.K. and Buffel, T. (2021) Ten questions concerning age-friendly cities and communities and the built environment, Building and Environment, 199, 107922.
- Zhang, N., Nazroo, J. and Vanhoutte, B. (2021) ‘The relationship between rural to urban migration in China and risk of depression in later life: an investigation of life course effects’, Social Science and Medicine, doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113637
- Zuniga, M., Buffel, T., and Arrieta, F. (2021) Analysing co-creation and co-production initiatives for the development of age-friendly strategies: Learning from three capital cities in the Basque Autonomous Region. Social Policy & Society, 1-16, doi: 10.1017/s1474746421000282
- Barron, A. (2021). The taking place of older age. cultural geographies. 8:4, 661-674, DOI:
- Barron, A. (2021). ‘Participant Packs: A Flexible, Inclusive and Accessible Method’ in Barron, A., Browne, A.L., Ehgartner, U., Hall, S.M., Pottinger, L. and Ritson, J. (eds.) Methods for Change: Impactful social science methodologies for 21st century problems. Manchester: Aspect and The University of Manchester.
- Barron, A. (2021). ‘Photo go-alongs’, in Barron, A., Browne, A.L., Ehgartner, U., Hall, S.M., Pottinger, L. and Ritson, J. (eds.) Methods for Change: Impactful social science methodologies for 21st century problems. Manchester: Aspect and The University of Manchester
- Stopforth, S., Bécares, L., Nazroo, J., & Kapadia, D. (2021). A life course approach to understanding ethnic health inequalities in later life: an example using the United Kingdom as national context. In The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course (pp. 383-393). Routledge.
- Fletcher J, R. (2021) Preventing dementia? Critical perspectives on a paradigm of preparing for old age. Dementia (London). 20(7):2640–4. doi: 10.1177/1471301221989600.
- Yarker, S. (2021). A research agenda for geographies of everyday intergenerational encounter. Area, 53(2), 264-271.
- Buffel, T., Doran, P., Ghoff, M., Lang, L., Lewis, C., Phillipson, C. and Yarker, S. (2020) COVID-19 and inequality: Developing an age-friendly strategy for recovery in low-income communities. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 21(4), 271-279.
- Buffel, T., Rémillard-Boilard, S., Walsh, K., McDonald, B., De Donder, L. (2020) Age-Friendly approaches and old-age exclusion: A cross-city analysis. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 14, 89-117.
- Buffel, T. and Phillipson, C. (2020) Researching older people in gentrifying neighbourhoods. Sociology Review, 30(1), 6-10.
- Hammond, M., White, S., Christopher, P. (2020) From Precarity to Interdependence: The Role of Age-friendly Communities in Promoting Wellbeing in Excluded Communities. In Bokyo, C., Cooper, R., Dunn, N. (eds.) Designing Future Cities for Wellbeing, Routledge.
- Hicks, S. and Lewis, C, (2020) Nobody becomes stigmatised ‘all at once’: An interactionist account of stigma on a modernist council estate. Sociological Review. DOI: 10.1177/0038026120931424.
- Lang, L. (2020) That’s what Fishers do now, we collect rubbish: The making of environmental subjects in a human-disturbed environment in Rio de Janeiro. Ethnos Journal of Anthropology 85(2):371-392, 2020.
- Lewis, C. and Buffel, T. (2020) Aging in place and the places of ageing, a longitudinal study, Journal of Aging Studies, 54, 100870.
- Phillipson, C. and Buffel, T. (2020) Age-friendly cities and communities: Policy opportunities and challenges. Journal of Elder Policy, 1(1), 137-154.
- Prattley, J., Buffel, T., Marshall, A. and Nazroo, J. (2020). Area effects on the level and development of social exclusion in later life, Social Science and Medicine. Available online ahead of print.
- Wang, Y., Li, J., Zhang, N., Ding, L., Feng, Y., Tang, X., Sun, L. and Zhou, C. (2020) Urban-rural disparities in informal care intensity of adult daughters and daughters-in-law for elderly parents from 1993–2015: Evidence from a national study in China, Social Indicators Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-020-02280-4.
- White, S. and Foale, K. (2020). Making a place for technology in communities: PlaceCal and the capabilities approach, Information, Communication & Society, pp. 1-20.
- Yarker, S., Heley, J., and Jones, L. (2020) Stewardship of the rural: conceptualising the experiences of rural volunteering in later life. Journal of Rural Studies. Volume 76 184-192.
- Zhang, N., Wang, L., Zhang, M. and Nazroo, J. (2019) Air quality and obesity at older ages in China: The role of duration, severity and pollutants, PLoS ONE, 14, 12, e0226279, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226279.
- Barron, A. (2019) More than representational approaches to the life-course. Social & Cultural Geography, DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2019.1610486.
- Becares, L. and Zhang, N. (2018) Perceived interpersonal discrimination and older women’s mental health: accumulation across domains, attributions and time, American Journal of Epidemiology. 187, 5, p. 924-932. DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwx326.
- Buffel, T. and Phillipson, C. (2019) Ageing in a gentrifying neighbourhood: Experiences of community change in later life, Sociology, DOI: 10.1177/0038038519836848.
- Buffel, T. and James, H. (2019) Working with older people as co-researchers in developing age-friendly communities. Geron, 21(2).
- Buffel, T., Phillipson, C. and Remillard-Boilard, S. (2019) Age-friendly cities and communities: New directions for research and policy, Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Ageing,
- Buffel, T., Remillard-Boilard, S. and Phillipson, C. (2019) Pour des villes amies des aines:programme d’ action en faveur du vieillissement en milieu urbain. Retraite et Société, 79, 43-60.
- Buffel, T. and Phillipson, C. (2019) Creating age-friendly communities in urban environments: Research issues and policy recommendations. In Stafford, P.B. (ed) The global age-friendly community movement: A critical appraisal. New York: Berghahn Books.
- Chandola, T., Mikkilineni, S., Chandran S.A., Bandyopadhyay, S.K., Zhang, N. and Bassanesi, S.L. (2018) Is socioeconomic segregation of the poor is associated with higher premature mortality under the age of 60? A cross-sectional analysis of survey data in major Indian cities. In: BMJ Open, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-018885.
- Degen, M. and Lewis, C. (2019) The changing feel of place: an analysis of temporal atmospheres in Smithfield Market, London, Cultural Geography. DOI: 10.1177/1474474019876625.
- Doran, P., Burden, S. and Shryne, Nl (2019) Older people living well beyond cancer: The relationship between emotional support and quality of life. Journal of Aging and Health, 31, 10, p. 1850-1871.
- Guma, T., Woods, N., Yarker, S. and Anderson, J. (2019) It’s that kind of place here”: Solidarity, place-making and civil society response to the 2015 refugee crisis in Wales, UK. Social Inclusion, 7, 2, DOI: 10.17645/si.v7i2.2002.
- Heley, J., Yarker, S. and Jones, L. (2019) Volunteering in the bath? The rise of micro-volunteering and implications for policy. Policy Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2019.1645324.
- Lang, L. (2019) Political ethics and social movements: the virtues and vices of a ‘fishing scab’. Critique of Anthropology, 39(1): 95-117, 2019.
- Lang, L. (2019) ‘You make do with what you’ve got’: The moral economy of affective labour and makeshift structures in post-industrial Manchester. In: Evans, G. (eds) Post Industrial Precarity: new ethnographies of urban lives in uncertain times. Vernon Press. 2019.
- Lewis C. (2019) Listening to community: The aural dimensions of neighbouring. The Sociological Review 2019, (ePub ahead of Print).
- Lewis, C. and May, V. (2019) Competing discourses of belonging and temporality on a modernist housing scheme, Time and Society. DOI: 0961463X19873801.
- Macintyre, V., Cotterill, S., Anderson, G., Phillipson, C., Benton, J. and French, D. (2019) “I would never come here because I’ve got my own garden”: Older adults’ perceptions of small urban green spaces, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16111994.
- May, V. and Lewis C. (2019) Researching embodied relationships with place: rehabilitating the sit-down interview. Qualitative Research, 20(2), 127-142.
- May, V. and Lewis, C. (2019) What makes a research method ‘sensory’? Rehabilitating the sit-down interview, Qualitative Methods. 20(2). DOI: 10.1177/1468794119834186.
- Phillipson, C. and Goulding, A. (2019) How can older people co-researchers and professionals learn to co-produce together? International Journal of Education and Ageing. 5, 1, p. 5-22.
- Phillipson, C., Grenier, A., Hatzifilalithis, S., Laliberte Rudman, D., Kobayashi, K. and Marier, P. (2019) Precarity and Aging: A Scoping Review, The Gerontologist, DOI: 10.1093/geront/gnz135.
- Zhang, N. (2019) Urban-rural disparities in cardiovascular risks among middle-aged and older Chinese: Two decades of urbanisation, Ageing and Society. p. 1-23 23.
- Buffel, T. (2018) Social research and co-production with older people. Developing age-friendly communities. Journal of Aging Studies, 44, 52-60.
- Buffel, T. (2018) Older co-researchers exploring age-friendly communities. An ‘insider’ perspective on the benefits and challenges of peer-research. The Gerontologist. doi:10.1093/geront/gnx216.
- Buffel, T. and Phillipson, C. (2018) A manifesto for the age-friendly movement: Developing a new urban agenda. Journal of Aging and Social Policy.
- Buffel, T. and Doran, P. (2018) Translating research into action: Involving older people in co-producing knowledge about age-friendly neighbourhood interventions. Working with Older People.
- Buffel, T., Handler, S. and Phillipson, C. (2018) Introduction: Developing age-friendly cities and communities. A global perspective. In Buffel, T., Handler, S. and Phillipson, C. (eds) Age-friendly cities and communities: A global perspective. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Buffel, T., Thomese, F. and Phillipson, C. (2018) Neighbourhood change, social inequalities and age-friendly communities. In Buffel, T., Handler, S. and Phillipson, C. (eds) Age-friendly cities and communities: A global perspective. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Buffel, T., Handler, S. and Phillipson, C. (2018) Developing age-friendly cities and communities: A manifesto for change. In Buffel, T., Handler, S. and Phillipson, C. (eds) Age-friendly cities and communities: A global perspective. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Cotterell, N., Buffel, T. and Phillipson, C. (2018) Preventing social isolation in older people. Maturitas, 10.1016/j.maturitas.2018.04.014.
- Greenfield, E., Black, K., Buffel, T. and Yeh, J. (2018) Community Gerontology: A Framework for Research, Policy and Practice on Communities and Aging, The Gerontologist.
- Del Barrio, E., Marsillas, S., Buffel, T., Smetcoren, A. S., and Sancho, M. (2018). From Active Aging to Active Citizenship: The Role of (Age) Friendliness. Social Sciences, 7(8), 134.
- Hicks S. and Lewis C. (2018) Investigating Everyday Life in a Modernist Public Housing Scheme: The Implications of Residents’ Understandings of Well-Being and Welfare for Social Work. The British Journal of Social Work, 49(3), 806–823.
- Hammond, M., (2018). Spatial Agency: Creating New Opportunities for Sharing and Collaboration in Older People's Cohousing, Urban Science, 2 (3), pp. 64-64.
- Lang, L. (2018) Making and enabling the commons: rights, obligations and civic engagement in Cheetham Hill. In Symons, J. and Lewis, C. (eds) Realising the City: Urban Ethnography in Manchester, Manchester University Press, pp. 107–128.
- Lewis, A. (2018) Insight: Mitigating overheating. In Park, J. and Porteus, J. (eds.) Age-friendly housing: Future design for older people. London: Royal Institute of British Architects.
- Lewis C. (2018) Making community through the exchange of material objects. Journal of Material Culture, 23(3), 295-311.
- Lewis, C., May, V., Hicks, S., Costa Santos, S. and Bertolino, N. (2018) Researching the home using architectural and social science methods. Methodological Innovations, 11(2).
- Matthews, K., Nazroo, J., Buffel, T., Demakakos, P. and Prattley, J. (2018) ‘Area and its relation to social inequality and wellbeing in later life’, In The Dynamics of Ageing: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing 2002-16, Banks, J., Batty, G.D., Nazroo, J., Oskala, A. and Steptoe, A. (eds.) London: The Institute for Fiscal Studies ISBN 978-1- 912805-11-2.
- McGarry, P., (2018) Developing age-friendly policies for cities: Strategies, challenges and reflections. In Buffel, T., Handler, S., and Phillipson, C. (eds.) Age-friendly cities and communities: A global perspective, Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 231-250.
- Phillipson, C. (2018) The role of community and the environment in the lives of older people: Understanding local and global social change. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 38, 1, p. 165-181.
- Phillipson, C. (2018) Developing age-friendly work in the twenty-first century: New challenges and agendas, Working with Older People, 22, 1, p. 3-8 p.
- Repetti, M., Phillipson, C. and Calasanti, T. (2018) Retirement Migration in Europe: A Choice for a Better Life? Sociological Research Online, DOI: 10.1177/1360780418782243.
- White, S. and Hammond, M. (2018) From representation to active ageing in a Manchester neighbourhood: designing the age-friendly city. In Buffel, T., Handler, S. and Phillipson, C. (eds.) Age-friendly Cities and Communities A Global Perspective, Bristol: Policy Press.
- Yarker, S. (2018) Tangential attachments: Towards a more nuanced understanding of the impacts of cultural urban regeneration on local identities. Urban Studies, 55, 15, p. 3421-3436.
- Buffel, T. and Phillipson, C. (2017) Globalization and urban ageing: New agendas for geographical gerontology. In Skinner, M., Andrews, G. and Cutchin, M.P. (eds) Geographical Gerontology: Concepts and Approaches, pp. 125-138, New York: Routledge.
- Buffel, T., Skyrme, J. and Phillipson, C. (2017) Connecting research with social responsibility. Developing “age-friendly” communities in Manchester, UK. In Shek, D. and Hollister, R. (eds) University social responsibility and quality of life. Concepts and experiences in the global world, Singapore: Springer.
- Grenier, A., Lloyd, L. and Phillipson, C. (2017) Precarity in Later Life: Re-thinking dementia as a 'frailed' old age, Sociology of Health and Illness, 39(2), p. 318-330.
- Grenier, A., Phillipson, C., Laliberte Rudman, D., Hatzifilalithis, S., Kobayashi, K. and Marier, P. (2017) Precarity in late life: Understanding new forms of risk and insecurity, Journal of Aging Studies, 43, p. 9-14.
- Lewis C. (2017) Turning houses into homes: Living through urban regeneration in East Manchester. Environment and Planning A, 49(6), 1324-1340.
- Remillard-Boilard, S., Buffel, T. and Phillipson, C. (2017) Involving older residents in age-friendly developments: From information to co-production mechanisms. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 31: 146-159.
- White, S. (2017) From representation to active ageing in a Manchester neighbourhood: designing the Age-friendly City. In Buffel, T., Handler, S. and Phillipson, C. (eds.) Age-Friendly Communities: A Global Perspective, Bristol: Policy Press.
- White, S., (2017) Including Architecture: What difference can we make?. In Boys, J. (eds.) Architectural Design and Disability: A Critical Reader, Routledge, London.
- Yarker, S. (2017) Everday Economic Geographies. Geography Compass. DOI: 10.1111/gec3.12324
- Yarker, S. (2017) Reconceptualising comfort as part of local belonging: the use of confidence, commitment and irony, Social and Cultural Geography, DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2017.1373301.
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